Strength Motivation And Courage



SMAC Running Club's
Annual East-West K-8 Track Meet


Last Updated 05/01/2015 01:50 PM

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SMAC Track Meet

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Current and Past Meet Results Team/Individual

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SMAC Track
East-West All-Star Invitational
 Track Meet

SMAC Meet History

Started by Tim Butler (SMAC Founder/President) in 2004 to be a showcase track meet for the youth of Cincinnati.  The concept was to pair the schools/athletes from the East side of Cincinnati versus the schools/athletes from the West side in an All-Star type format.  For the 7th-8th grades, additional events such as the Pentathlon and 4x800 Relay were added as another opportunity for the athletes to show their talents.


Rosters:  I-75 dividing line.  Teams/schools on the west side of I-75 score for the West Team, teams/schools on the east side of  I-75 score for the east side.  Quick reference guide:


E/W Initials Parish / School / Club
WEST HFAM Holy Family (Middletown)
WEST IMLU Immanuel Lutheran School
WEST MOTH Mother Teresa
WEST OAKH Oak Hills Youth Track & Field
WEST GRAC Our Lady of Grace/St. John the Baptist (Harrison)
WEST VISI Our Lady of Visitation
WEST BART Sabrecats (Bart/Vivian/Clement)
WEST SACR Sacred Heart (Fairfield)
WEST CATH St. Catharine
WEST IGNA St. Ignatius
WEST JAMW St. James White Oak
WEST JAMV St. James of the Valley
WEST JOHD St. John the Baptist (Dry Ridge)
EAST ANNU Annunciation School (Clifton)
EAST HILL Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy
EAST IMMA IHM/Guardian Angels
EAST INDI Indian Hill Track Club
EAST MARI Mariemont
EAST MARS Mars Hill Academy
EAST MERC Mercy Montesorri
EAST ROYA Royalmont Academy
EAST SEVE Seven Hills
EAST SPRI Springer
EAST FRAN St. Francis deSales (Lebanon)
EAST GERT St. Gertrude/All Saints
EAST LOUI St. Louis (Owensville)
EAST SUSA St. Susanna
EAST THOM St. Thomas More
EAST VERO St. Veronica
EAST PLEA Pleasant Ridge Montessori
EAST FDWH St. Francis deSales (Walnut Hills)
EAST BOND Bond Hill Flyers






SMAC Running Club, Loveland, Ohio
Comprised of students from the schools of
St. Columban & St. Margaret of York
 and other parochial schools near Loveland, Ohio.


Comments or problems can be sent to Dave Prenger
This Web Site is Copyright 2007-2011 by SMAC Running Club
Unauthorized duplication of content within this web site is strictly prohibited.