Strength Motivation And Courage



SMAC Running Club's
Annual East-West K-8 Track Meet


Last Updated 01/14/2012 10:06 AM

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SMAC Track Meet

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SMAC Track
East-West All-Star Invitational
 Track Meet

Additional Pre-registration Information

The primary difference of the SMAC East/West Meet versus the standard CTCYO Track League meet for the 7th-8th grades are the additional events added for this meet.  Please note those events below:
All-Star 4x800 relay (this event has been cancelled for this season):  This event opens the running portion of the meet and will field the top 800m runners from the league in an East vs. West race (athletes from different teams/schools will comprise the East or West teams).  This event will not count towards an athlete's 3-event maximum, so they can participate in this event plus 3 other events if they so choose.  Please contact the Meet Directors with the names/teams of any/all athletes (girls and boys) interested in competing in this event.  Athletes selected to compete in this event will be posted here in the order they are received by the meet directors, but the exact racing order will be determined before the race begins.

To register any/all athletes for this event, you only need to contact the Meet Directors (using the link provided) of your athletes' interest in this event.  No on-line registration is required for this event (however it is listed in the on-line registration, just ignore that).  Please verify your athletes' entries in this event here 36 hours before the scheduled start of the meet and report any corrections to the meet directors within 24 hours of the start time.

Note:  This event will be scored as a standard relay event in the team standings with awards given to all scoring participants.

Pentathlon:  Athletes will compete in the 100, 400, 1500, long jump, and shot put; this will be the only series of events these athletes will be permitted to compete in.  A maximum of two athletes (2 girls and/or 2 boys) per team/school can enter (unless we have a small field of participants, then more maybe allowed from the same team/school to compete in this event).  SMAC Track takes great pride in being able to host this unique opportunity/event for all 7th/8th grade girls/boys.  However in order for the Pentathlon to continue to be a success again this year, we need participates!!  Coaches, please talk to your athletes and consider them for this event.  Thank you!

To register any/all athletes for the pentathlon event, please refer to the Easy Sport On-line registration, and note the following differences from standard CTCYO registrations.  When registering an athlete for this event, please use the same instructions found on this page here, but use only the number (2) events for each of the five pentathlon events.  Please ensure to register for all five pentathlon events of 100, 400, 1500, long jump and shot put for each individual participating...again using the (2) events only.  Do not register pentathlon athletes using the number (1) events.  Please verify your athletes' entries in this event here 36 hours before the scheduled start of the meet and report any corrections to the meet directors within 24 hours of the start time.

Note:  This event will be scored in the team standings.  For more information on the scoring of this event, click here.

Throwers' 4x100 Exhibition Relay:  (this event has been cancelled for this season) This event is designed to give discus and shot put athletes an opportunity to shine on the track.  As with the 4x800 relay, participation in this event will not count towards an athlete's 3-event maximum....however this particular event will be considered exhibition only and the final results will not count towards the team scoring.

To register any/all athletes for the throwers relay, please refer to the Easy Sport On-line registration, and note the following differences from standard CTCYO registrations.  When registering an athlete for this relay, please use the same instructions found on this page here, but use only the number (2) relay for the 4x100.  Do not register any "relay throwers" using the number (1) relay.  All participants in this relay must be registered to participate in at least one throwing event as well.  Please verify your athletes' entries in this event here 36 hours before the scheduled start of the meet and report any corrections to the meet directors within 24 hours of the start time.

Note:  This event will not be scored in the team standings and will be for exhibition only.  However, awards will be given to all participants who "place" as if it were a scoring event.  Records for this event are also kept.

Team Scoring:  There will be no individual team scoring.  The meets (both 5-6 and 7-8) will be scored as a dual meet in a 5-3-1 format (just 5 for relays) of East vs. West.  Teams/Schools will be divided in to either East or West teams based on their geographical location in relation to I-75.  The current East/West breakdown is on the SMAC Website here.


SMAC Running Club, Loveland, Ohio
Comprised of students from the schools of
St. Columban & St. Margaret of York
 and other parochial schools near Loveland, Ohio.


Comments or problems can be sent to Dave Prenger
This Web Site is Copyright 2007-2011 by SMAC Running Club
Unauthorized duplication of content within this web site is strictly prohibited.